

Thursday 8 August 2024

黑色星期一的罪魁祸首 Carry Trade 你知多少?

黑色星期一(5/8/2024)后的这几天,各种财经媒体开始评论这次的黑天鹅事件的起因。我注意到传统财经媒体似乎都把矛头指向 Carry Trade (译为:套利交易)这种交易方式。

从The Edge 摘来的一段分析:

Instead, the answer likely lies in a further sharp position unwind of carry trades, where investors have borrowed money from economies with low interest rates such as Japan or Switzerland, to fund investments in higher-yielding assets elsewhere.

They have been caught out as the Japanese yen has rallied by more than 11% against the dollar from 38-year lows hit just a month ago.

"In our assessment a lot of this (market sell-off) has been down to position capitulation as a number of macro funds have been caught the wrong way around on a trade, and stops have been triggered, initially starting with FX and the Japanese yen," said Mark Dowding, chief investment officer at BlueBay Asset Management, referring to pre-determined levels that trigger buying or selling.

什么是 Carry Trade 呢?

A carry trade is a trading strategy that involves borrowing at a low-interest rate and investing in an asset that provides a higher rate of return. A carry trade is typically based on borrowing in a low-interest rate currency and converting the borrowed amount into another currency. Generally, the proceeds would be deposited in the second currency if it offers a higher interest rate. The proceeds also could be deployed into assets such as stocks, commodities, bonds, or real estate that are denominated in the second currency.

  • The risk of a sharp decline in the price of the invested assets
  • The implicit exchange risk, or currency risk, when the funding currency differs from the borrower’s domestic currency


你是否曾受到诱惑,为了投资于收益率更高的资产,而接受信用卡发行商提供的有限期的 0% 现金透支?这种策略就是“套利交易”的诱惑。

许多信用卡发行商以六个月到一年不等的 0% 利息诱惑消费者,但他们要求消费者预付统一的 1% "交易费"。以 1%作为预支 10,000 美元现金的资金成本,假设投资者将这笔借款投资于利率为 3%的一年期存单(CD)。这样的套利交易将带来 200 美元(10,000 美元 x [3%-1%])或 2% 的利润。尽管利差交易可能带来潜在的财务回报,但这种策略也可能带来巨大的风险。

现在你明白什么是 Carry Trade 了吗?明白了为什么会发生黑色星期一了吗?

Tuesday 6 August 2024



大家先冷静下来。来探讨一下究竟是什么因素造成的呢? 了解了事态的来龙去脉,才决定该如何行动吧。





















The Edge:

1. BOJ Surprise Tightening

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) surprised the world last Wednesday calling for a rate hike of 0.25% against a market consensus of 0.1% rise. The move to take the rate to its highest since 2008, from a policy rate of 0-0.1%.

Later the same day, the US released several negative economic data: Institute for Supply Management (ISM) manufacturing PMI dropping to an eight-month low in July at 46.8, against consensus of 48.8. Worse still, the higher than expected US unemployment claims of 249,000 against a forecast of 236,000 sparked worries of impending slowdown in the world’s largest economy.

The concerns of a slowing US economy coupled with the BOJ tightening led to an unwinding of Japanese yen carry trades and contributed to rampant selling of Japanese equities that started last Thursday (Aug 1).

2. Weak US Jobs Report

Recession fears were mounting after the US payroll report showed growth of merely 114,000, which came short of consensus’s 175,000 forecast while June figures were revised lower. The jobless rate also hit a three-year peak of 4.3%, above the 4.1% expected and triggered the Sahm’s Rule.

According to Sahm’s Rule, if the unemployment rate, based on a three-month average, is a half percentage point above its lowest point over the previous 12 months, the economy has tipped into a recession.

For context, Sahm Rule's accuracy rate is 100% going back to every recession since the early 1970s.

3. Poor US Tech Earnings

The poorly-received results of large names in the US tech sector did not help at all. Last Friday, Intel suffered its largest single day decline of 26% — the worst in more than 40 years after the company gave a grim growth forecast and laid out plans to slash 15,000 jobs.

Amazon shares tumbled 9% last Friday, a day after the company reported a revenue miss and gave a forecast for the third quarter that fell short of Wall Street’s expectations.

4. Warren Buffet's Cash Pile at Record High

Another drag to equity prices is filing reports about Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc that it had almost halved its stake in its largest holding, Apple Inc. The renowned investors had also cut its second largest holding — Bank of America Corp — raising its cash pile to a record US$276.9 billion (RM1.24 trillion). This had sparked speculation of concerns of an imminent market top.

5. Flare-ups in Geopolitics

Geopolitical anxiety and the expected retaliation from Iran and Hezbollah towards Israel after the killing of Hamas leader was another risk-off factor.

Friday 2 August 2024









